
Classic TV News Meltdowns

From MSNBC's Chris Matthews to ESPN's Chris Berman, here are all the classic tirades you've seen in countless email forwards, wrapped up in one video!


Great Debaters They're Not

This is totally outrageous! A debate competition gone totally heated and hilarious at a school called Fort Hays State. Thanks Merhar for the link from Live Leak!


Canine Erectile Dysfunction

Blondie's dad passed this one around. Funny stuff from the Jimmy Kimmel show on ABC:


Mikey Sent Me This Link

...haven't een watched it yet. But I trust him, for some reason, that it's funny.


In The Spirit of Competition

There was a competition going on during last week's Olympics opening ceremonies and President Bush had no idea! Author Amy Weiss of Buzzflash.com was scoring Bush's flag-waving performance. In this picture, he scores a 6.5 -- earning points for enthusiasm, and losing points on accuracy.

You think flag-waving was his only sport?!


Ooooh Girl!

Finally an "R&B Song" that candidly reveals our natural carnal instincts. Sounds sexy, doesn't it? My friend Pam Suarez sent the video to me. It's hosted by a website called RunawayBox.com -- and it's HILARIOUS!!


Flashback: A Genius Is Born

Not since "Tastes great, less filling" has a marketing campaign captured the hearts and minds of beer drinkers who like watered down American Lagers. Surely you remember the Bud Light ads saluting "Real Men of Genius." There's a website dedicated to the top 10 commericals from the series.


This Day In History

7 August 1782: George Washington establishes what would become the Purple Heart award.

7 August 1858: Queen Victoria choses Ottawa as the capital of the Dominion of Canada.

7 August 1976: Marcia Owen gives birth to some lunatic named Owen Conflenti.

Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to meeeeeee. Happy Birthday to me. And at least a few more.