
The Biggest Rat Problem on Earth!

A western Pennsylvania home will be demolished because it is so overrun with rats that they measure about a foot deep in spots. Click here to read more...


Escape Attempt On A Lawnmower!

He was doing roadside work and, apparently, tried to escape on a lawnmower. He says he didn't try to escape. Click here to read more...

The Bra That Beckons You

The message is simple: "Welcome to Japan!" That's more or less what you're hear when your press the button on the woman's bustier. The greeting is in 3 languages too. Isn't that cool?! Click here to read more...


Car Crash + Naked Getaway + Taser = Fun!

...fun for those entertained by bizarre police blotter stories. Not fun for the man who crashed into a car, drove off and crashed again, ran naked with his dog back home, spit-on and kicked a deputy who tried to help him, then got tasered... allegedly. Click here to read more!