
Mo' Money, Mo' Problems

I hope my man Obama's finance people make balance the budget asap. That's the first step toward a better, stronger, brighter, cleaner, longer-lasting, more-dependable, fuel-efficient, full-flavored, delicious economy... MMMmmm.

Quick budgeting point: If we ran our home budgets like the Feds run our money, we'd have our wages garnished by now. Here's a proportionate analogy using numbers most of us can comprehend. Who really grasps numbers in the trillions? Anyway, you make $25k per year and spend every dollar you have. And you spend an extra $1k on your credit card. Oh, and you owe $100k in debt beyond that credit card, your car, house, etc. Remember, your budget is maxed. How the hell are you going to get out debt?!?! HOW?! How the &#@% is Washington ever going to get out of debt? Seriously! Back to our imaginary family. If you cut about 10% of your spending ($2500) you could have as much as $1500 extra to pay debt (we were overspending by $1k so i subtract that amount). Without counting interest you could pay off your $100k in about 60 years. For real, someone double check my math. If we're so dumb to keep putting these fools back in congress, then we deserve to let our economy fall to the rest of the world. We need to lead the globe economically, not pretend. That debt ain't never gonna get paid off! DAMN!! SAMSON!!

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